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Shadow vs. Hacker

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Wow, I've started this thing off with much more momentum then I originally expected. The plot for 4th stip is already done and I was just feeling guilty for making you guys wait till next monday. So instead I've desided to try to go with Wednesday/Friday update skedual. We'll see how that will turn out

I also went to see The Perfect Score yesterday. The movie wasn't great... heck, it was quite unrealistic and seemed quite low budget (I think I saw a microphone pop from the top of the screen once), but hey - what can you expect from MTV movies? (I can't really recall any other movies made by MTV actually... maybe that sketeboarding or snowboarding movies? donno). But hey, what a better way to spend Tuesday night then to watch random movies with a close friend instead of doing your physics assignment? I didn't finish the assignment (still) but apparently it's now due Friday so I'm still good

P.S. If anyone is wondering about my Pepsi cans, my mom is making me remove them Damn it, they're on a separate table! As in... they're just reserving the space untill I find something better to put there oh well...

Darkness (User)

Just found out today that the week before march break I've got not one, not two, but THREE algebra tests, not to mention the two calculus tests. So yeah, that's five math tests in one week. Also, this is pretty much the do all and end all of the math year, as these tests are pretty much determining my final mark. Stress++; So right now I've got a vodka cooler in hand, an AMC12 booklet and $1.35 for a coffee eventually. Stress++; Done physics finally, fucking group is so lazy. Oh well. -Darkness P.S. Coldplay and Radiohead to keep me going. Also...why the hell don't I get a picture? I deserve one...don't I?

Hey all this is now our 2nd comic already. Good job to tony for doing another comic so quick. He's alredy on his 4th, tony sure has alotta time on his hands but better then doing physics :) Anywho.. I like the idea of 2 comics per week, that way people dont get so bored waitng for the next comic. End Communication :D

Well this week , we get some history taught to us , you guys can learn all about the long held grudge between the 2 , how did hacker dan get the laser eye you ask , Take a walk to hte cTeam Forum for a wild answer ?, Well hope everyone enjoys this one , thanks again to tony for the awsome art , I wasnt able to contibute to tis weeks , but they did a hell of a job ,Does eveyone like the mid week release idea , i think its much better .... form your most loevd SPAMMER , ( place SPAM here ) , Justin

